Happy Friday + Links 1/12/18

Happy Friday! Let me start out by saying, THANK YOU for all the comments and feedback on our blog goals last week. You guys really know how to get a girl excited for the year ahead. And speaking of 2018, we're off to a great start! Baking bread, writing content for this here blog (the Porch House powder bathroom is up next!), playing in the snow, and not painting or hammering a single thing. Ha! Sometimes it's good to take a break, even from the things you love.

The Grit and Polish - Farmhouse in the Winter Snow

Less renovating (for the moment) has meant more time for Garrett and I to learn a new skill, sourdough bread baking. With everything we had going on last year - not to mention the 3 wiggly kiddos we have running/rolling around - there just wasn't a lot of time for hobbies and trying new things. So I am really, really enjoying this slower start to 2018. As for the bread, we've been putting together a loaf every other day (ish) and baking them first thing in the morning. The loaf below is far from perfect, but it was made out of only 3 ingredients (flour, water, and salt) and totally delicious, especially when smeared with copious amounts of salted Amish butter and homemade raspberry jam.

Sourdough Bread Pic

Well it's Friday again, meaning I've found all the best the internet has to offer.  So grab a cup of coffee and jump in.

Living well in 180sf.  Alternative title: your Airstream dreams.

I did a virtual interview with Apartment Therapy shortly after Daphne was born and somehow missed the article when it posted last Fall.  You can read it here.  The article includes an account of our "typical day", which has changed quite a bit since we sold the Porch House, but it was sure fun to read. Also: why was Daphne awake until 9:30pm?!

10 Free things you can do to refresh your home right now.

You know those movies that you watch and then are thinking about for weeks afterwards? This was one of them. Related: how early is too early to give your kid a pocket knife?

The sun has been noticeably absent from our winter, so this home tour had me drooling. Interior courtyards, giant skylights, and SUN! Plus the dynamic Ricky Martin and his artist beau.

In other important news...I'm pretty sure I already found the best chocolate chip cookie recipe: Smitten Kitchen's. Ah-mazing! But we'll keep testing, because the hunt is 99% of the fun. (And thanks everyone for the recommendations!)

10 lessons in 10 years of blogging from Joy the Baker.  My favorite: "There is no straight line to a dream.  Sometimes, in all honesty, you don’t even know what your dream is until you’re halfway down a road.  Persistence. There’s a lot to be said for just keeping on with a thing: persistence." True in blogging.  True in so many other things.

Oprah.  Need I say more?

I've been wearing these boots on repeat lately. They've gotten me through 3 years of rain, mud, and small skiffs of snow. And, quite honestly, they're as dressy as I'll need for the entire winter ;)

Have a great weekend!

