Happy Friday + Links 2/3/17


Happy Friday!  There are a few days left to enter the $500 Interior Define giveaway, so if you haven't already registered, you should!  Your home will thank you :) The Grit and Polish - Farmhouse ID Sofa 1

Over the past few months, Garrett and I have been looking for a new project, which I've mentioned briefly on the blog and a bit more in depth on Instagram stories.  The project is a new one for us...a flip! We love buying and fixing up properties, but we have yet to try our hand at selling said properties (we've always kept our renovated properties as rentals or our primary residence).  Our search for a flip has been marked with frustration due to the lack of inventory - apparently fixer homes are in short supply in central and western Washington - so we've had a lot of trouble finding a suitable property.  Until now.  I think we've finally found the one!  So we're drawing floor plans and planning out finishes, and I'm officially in my happy place.  This is going to be an exciting and interesting renovation for a few reasons (which I'll get into at some point), but I'm looking forward to sharing more with you guys in the Spring!

Now on to some cool stuff that's going on outside of my bubble.  Grab a cup of coffee and dig in:

Old Home Love is releasing a book and I for one, could not be more excited about it!

This kitchen has me really inspired.  I love the dark butcher block - it's so warm and classy looking.

Need a new show?  I watched the entire first season of The Crown during a recent stomach bug and it's great.

You might want to bookmark this post from Young House Love.  It's a great resource if you ever decide to add hardwood floors, feather them in to an existing floor, or are just thinking of refinishing.

This home is so beautiful and simple. That mantle is giving me all sorts of ideas.

