Happy Friday + Links 5/12/17

Happy Friday! How was your week? My week was pretty darn good...fabulous even, thanks to the excellent weather we're finally getting!  To say that I love our country setting is a total understatement.  Sorry Seattle, but it turns out country life is definitely for me!  Every morning I wake up at our Farmhouse and look out the window and think, how did I get so lucky!  This little piece of earth of ours, with these little humans running around on it (and my big human too), is definitely a dream come true. Of course our move to the country and switch to *retired* life (yes I'm writing that with a whole lot of irony considering we're busier than ever with the Porch House reno, our Seattle rentals, ongoing Farmhouse projects, and the boys) has brought some challenges.  Mostly, it's the lack of routine and organization that I have struggled with.  I'm one of those people who thrives on routine and structure, which coincidently is the complete opposite of my husband.  But as a compromise, Garrett has agreed to help me get our home office set up, so I can feel a wee bit more organized and, hopefully, productive.  And since baby girl's July arrival is certain to put house projects on hold (temporarily, of course), I'm trying to sneak in a quick front entry makeover too.  I realize this is a lot to tackle with the Porch House reno still in full swing, not to mention me being 31-weeks pregnant, but nesting is REAL and it's hitting me hard this pregnancy!

I hope your Mother's Day cards are written and brunch planned out.  Garrett and I have one more day of work this weekend (turns out Airbnb rentals know nothing of work weeks), but then I'm all about pancakes and gardening over the Mother's Day weekend.  I bought lots of seeds - lettuce greens and farm-to-mouth veggies mostly - plus some fun ones for the boys to watch grow a little longer like pumpkins and squash.  Fingers crossed the garden survives my less than green thumb this Summer!

It being Friday and all, I've scoured the internet for all it's goodness.  There are some great links below so grab a cup of coffee and dig in!

The Grit and Polish - Porch House Master Bed Nightstand close

I shared this sneak peek of the Porch House master bedroom on Instagram on Monday (can you tell it's killing me to hold onto all these photos until our HGTV pilot airs?!).  We painted it in BM Hale Navy and I couldn't love it more!  So I'm thinking of using the same color for our Farmhouse office, although the wood trim would also look great with a deep blue/green wall.  Do you guys have any favorite moody blues or blue/greens I need to check out?

These sandals are on my summer wish list.  I've had this pair for a couple of years and LOVE them too.  For the record, despite living in the Pacific Northwest, I don't wear them with socks ;)

One of our longtime readers pointed out that our Farmhouse master bedroom was featured in Apartment Therapy a couple of weeks back.  You can check it out here.

Sunset Kitchen 5.12.17

source // Irene Edwards kitchen via Sunset

This remodel of a 140-year-old Victorian is stunning!  I have a lot of heart-eyes for that kitchen (especially the ladder!) and their black-painted piano too.

Breaking the 2 hour barrier.  Insanity!  I ran cross country and track in college and afterwards tried my hand at two marathons.  In the hundred or so races I've ran, those marathons were hands down my least favorite.  I hated almost every single mile of them (or at least every mile in the the second half).  Needless to say, my respect is high for these guys!

Just in time for Mother's Day...the joy of having boys.

Saving money while still living a great life.  I love when big blogs shed light on finances because they are such an important part of our daily lives and yet rarely talked about.  Kudos!



p.s. I know you guys probably already realize that I use affiliate links (I mentioned that here) but I'm toying with the idea of using disclaimers at the bottom of the post they're in just to be triple sure it's obvious and make sure I'm up on all things FTC.  Thoughts?  Here's my affiliate link disclaimer:

disclaimer: hey guys, there are affiliate links in this post.  This means that if you click on my link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission.  But rest assured that I only recommend products and services that I use personally or would love to use.  Affiliate links is one of the ways we keep this blog running, so thanks for supporting the Grit and Polish!