Happy Friday 2/28/20

Happy Friday! It’s been kind of a slow week around the Farmhouse as Garrett went to visit his brand new niece in New York (hi baby Susan!) and right after he left, the kids and I promptly got sick. Sometimes downtime finds you, ya know? Anyway this photo is from last year but it perfectly encapsulates the week: hints of Spring and signs of snuggling Daphne.

The Grit and Polish - Farmhouse Master with Daphnes Bunnies.jpg

Farmhouse master bedroom (from 2019) | bunnies crocheted by Nana, other sources here

More from the week

Moving from a big city to a small town. Loved hearing from other women who made a similar move to our’s. (cupofjo)

Easy tips to become financially healthy. (diyplaybook)

Airbnbs most popular rentals from the last decade. Well aren’t these fun?! (apartmenttherapy)

Just ordered this cute striped boatneck shirt for Spring. I love the 3/4 sleeves and it’s 25% off (with code ‘winwin’)! (jcrew)

Sherry and John of Young House Love are moving to a smaller house in a warmer state and I’m way too excited about it! (younghouselove)

Google mapped this insanely beautiful house that’s for sale for $15k. It’s too far from home for us, but goodness, I hope someone buys it! (@cheapoldhouses)

Fun board games to play with your kids. I love, love, love number 4 and we’ll be playing it tonight!

So much to love about Cass’s home, but let’s start with this bathroom. Swoon! (@cassmakeshome)

Loved this simple trick for getting kids to eat salads. (thefauxmartha)

I read (well, listened) to this beautiful fiction novel about love this week. Loved it and highly recommend. I also got through the sequel to this beach read and thoroughly enjoyed it! (amazon)

Have a great weekend!