Happy Friday 8/7/20

Happy Friday! How are you? Goodness it’s been a week over here but we made it to Friday. Yay! My sister is still visiting from Portland, which is basically the highlight of my year. We’ve been cooking and doing laundry and playing with the kids and working and doing nothing of consequence other than getting out in the mountains as much as possible. There is something so soul-cleansing about taking a dip in a mountain river, you know?!

the staircase of our 1912 country farmhouse on www.thegritandpolish.com

Our Farmhouse entry

More from the week…

Would you live in a planned town? I haven’t stopped thinking about this video since I watched it last weekend. I’m intrigued by ‘the art of town building’ and the concept of a pedestrian/bike-centered community. (@seabrookwa)

The end of aging. Can we really live past 120? A Harvard scientist says yes with supplements and lifestyle ‘tweaks’. (mashable)

An old summer camp turned family’s summer home. Okay new life plan…live in a summer camp! (domino)

My sister’s been wearing this linen t-shirt around our home all week and I just ordered 3 of them. They’re the perfect tee and on clearance and under $12 right now. (j.crew)

Are you a city person or a country person? Everyone I know seems to be considering a move out of the city and we shared all of our pros and cons here.

Absolutely loving the wallpaper in Laura’s bedroom! It’s one of the Morris prints I’ve been considering for our dining room (someday), and so fun to see it here. (@nofeaturewalls)

The sweet spot: “success can get you to the top of a beautiful cliff, but then propel you right over the edge of it.” (mrmoneymustache)

This designer’s Brooklyn brownstone is a family heirloom. How cool to have all of that history in a home! (domino)

Is your child an orchid, a tulip, or a dandelion? (nytimes)

And lastly, did you catch JELD-WEN’s giveaway yesterday?! They’re giving away a door to one of you and you can find all the details here.

Have a good weekend!