Happy Friday 1/15/21

Happy Friday! How was your week? We made some good progress at the Poplar Cottage this week (I can’t wait to share more next week!) and enjoyed the heck out of a little sunshine that made its way to eastern Washington. Oh! and Garrett and I and I got into Ted Lasso (on appleTV), which is just the right mix of light-hearted and funny for this anxiety-filled new year - highly recommend!


More from the week…

Find the place you love. Then move there. I love Arthur C. Brook’s series in The Atlantic called ‘how to build a life’. His newest article feels timely with the pandemic changing how we work and the reasons we live places. “If where you live isn’t truly your home, and you have the resources to make a change, it could do wonders for your happiness.“ (Atlantic)

A Georgian cottage with expertly layered interiors by Ben Pentreath. (houseandgarden)

How to achieve financial independence and grow your wealth. I like the emphasis on intentionality as opposed to frugality. (camillestyles)

This week I asked, what helps you get through winter? I’d love to hear! Because we’re only half way through January and I’m already surfing Zillow for an old house on a tropical island.

52 Places to love in 2021. Anyone else dreaming of traveling this year? (nytimes)

How the pandemic has changed how we design homes. (emilyhenderson)

The prettiest cake that has me dreaming of spring! (@jasminabylun)

Some quick, efficient stress-reducing strategies. 2021 has already been an emotional rollercoaster and I for one have been struggling big time with anxiety. (nytimes)

A Connecticut home that defies coziness. Love how it’s beautiful, historic, and comfortable! (cupofjo)

This week’s book recommendation, The Night Tiger, was a Christmas gift from my sis and I loved it! (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

Have a good weekend!

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