Happy Friday 3/4/22

Happy Friday! How are you? Any exciting weekend plans? Garrett and I are spending the weekend in Oregon with my twin sis and best friends to celebrate our birthday. We’re doing some wine tasting and antiquing and anything else that suits our fancy on the one day our husbands can’t grumble ;) For the record, being a twin is The. BEST and I’m so glad I get to share my birthday with my best friend. (Just wanted to mention that for any parents of multiples out there who are in the thick of it - you’re all rockstars!) Have a great weekend!

kitchen sources

File this under cool things that happened to me lately…I won a giveaway on Instagram (and was gifted these beautiful flowers from Teressa Johnson. I have a little crush on Teressa’s floral design studio and amazing style!

A few fun links from the week…

Speaking of flowers…loved this interview on flowers and styling with uber-talented Carley Page. (afloral)

Garrett introduced me to the Japanese concept of Ikigai this week and I’m fascinated. It doesn’t have a direct translation, but it’s “a term that embodies the happiness of living…with four overlapping qualities: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.“ (bbc.com)

The news has been heavy lately and I wanted to share this: 25 meaningful ways you can help Ukraine. We donated to Save the Children here if you’re interested/able. (globalcitizen)

It might be the 4-0 on the birthday cake, but this spoke to me this week: the kind of smarts you don’t find in young people. (theatlantic)

My sis and I share our birthday with this DIY-sister-from-another-mother. If you don’t already follow Jenni, run over to IG and do it now - she’s the kindest, most-talented, hard-working lady on the gram! (@ispydiy)

Made me laugh! (people)

Why gravel gardens are better than they seem (and they seem great IMO ;). (nytimes)

You know the idea of temptation bundling where you pair something you like with something you don’t? Well listening to this book is all that’s getting me through laundry folding right now. (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

Somone sent me this bathroom pic and it has me rethinking our bathroom mirror situation…again. Anyone have a source on these pivoting mirrors? (@max_rollitt)

This week, Garrett recommends this fascinating deep dive “into fructose metabolism including the evolutionary origins on why fructose kicks our bodies into storage mode (aka fat build up) versus energy burn” (Garrett’s words). I got his 60-second cliff note version and it sounds fascinating! (the drive)

And one more, because the title drew me in…“My husband secretly donated sperm. Now there’s a kid.” (theatlantic)

Hope you have a good one! Stay safe out there.