Happy Friday 7/31/20

Happy Friday! How was your week? We celebrated Daphne’s 3rd birthday, spent an afternoon in Nana’s backyard (below), and then my twin sister, niece, and nephews came up for a visit. I can’t wipe the smile from my face. We haven’t seen eachother since Thanksgiving and it sure felt good. Wishing you a peaceful and healthy weekend!


The Porch House garden

More from the week…

What I learned from renovating 100 historic homes. Jessica Helgerson (one of my all-time favorite designers) shares her golden rules. “Just do the right thing for the house.” And that’s why she’s a favorite! (domino)

‘Success addicts’ choose being special over being happy. “Many of them had made the success addict’s choice of specialness over happiness. They (and sometimes I) would put off ordinary delights of relaxation and time with loved ones until after this project, or that promotion, when finally it would be time to rest.But, of course, that day never seemed to arrive.“ (Atlantic)

A Bountiful Potager Garden To Engage The Senses by Leslie Bennett. Wow. Wow. Wow! And I totally agree with Cassandra: “I have my own prefered style for these outdoor spaces: wild but organized“. (cocokelley)

What a ‘typical’ day looks like for us as stay-at-home parents, landlords, bloggers, and country-dwellers (July 2020 edition).

Fried zucchini flowers. I never knew this was a thing but I’m totally intrigued! (@seekinglavenderlane)

I am very into this Hudson Valley bathroom. (remodelista)

A loving nudge to healthier habits. Worrying about my sleep sure feels like a giant privilege right now but still a good reminder. (becomingmininalist)

This entry transformation stopped me mid-scroll. (@save1900)

I’m currently reading (listening) to Maggie O’Farrell’s ‘I Am I Am I Am’. It’s a memoir about the author’s numerous brushes with death and I’m so glad a reader recommended it! (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

Have a good weekend!