Happy Friday 8/25/23

Happy Friday! How was your week? We had our first stirrings of Fall around here, despite my head being firmly planted still in summer. One morning I went outside for my run and it was only 45 degrees out. 45 degrees! So I pulled out some warmer bedding for the kids beds and round up coats. And here we are. What about you? Are there stirrings of Fall where you live?

Some links from the week…

I have a firm anti-Fall before Labor Day stance, cause who wants to rush summer (and the peaches and mornings spent on the deck) away?! But I’m looking forward to lots of things about Fall, mainly…warm oatmeal breakfasts. Bonus if it’s extra-poridgy Scottish Oatmeal :)

Oh and sweaters! I bought this oversized cardi last year and it feels like a big hug.

So handy: a guide to light fixture hanging heights.

Have you seen Barbi yet?! Did you like it? I’m dying to go but haven’t quite figured out if it’s a date-night movie or a whole-family affair.

Did you catch our annual Farmhouse garden tour on the blog this week? I also shared a peek at Nana’s garden and it’s incredible!

Why do mosquitoes like me so much? Maybe some of us just smell that good…

A Jane Austen inspired kitchen. How fun!

I can’t remember where I heard about this book (did one of you recommend it?) but it’s a fascinating take on parenting and raising happy helpful little humans. I can’t recommend it enough and only wish I had read it 10 years ago! (amazon, indiebound)

Have a great weekend!
